The SH3-SH3-SH3-SH2 adapter protein Nck links receptor tyrosine kinases, such as EGF and PDGF receptors, to downstream signaling pathways, among which p21 cdc42/rac -activated kinase cascade, Sos-activated Ras signaling and the human Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome protein (WASp)-mediated actin cytoskeleton changes, have been implicated. In EGF stimulated cells, Nck coimmunoprecipitates with a number of phosphotyrosine proteins including the EGF receptor (Li et al., 1992 Mol. Cell. Biol. 12: 5824 ± 2833). To identify the phosphotyrosine protein(s) that directly interacts with Nck and to distinguish it from indirectly associated proteins, preexisting phosphoytrosine protein complexes in the cell lysate were dissociated by heat and SDS prior to the test for binding to Nck. We found that Nck does not directly bind to EGF receptor, instead it binds via its SH2 domain to a 62 kDa phosphotyrosine protein. We present evidence demonstrating that the Nck-bound p62 is related to the previously identi®ed GTPase-activating protein (GAP)-associated phosphotyrosine protein p62.(1) The Nck-bound and the GAP-bound p62 proteins comigrate with each other in SDS ± PAGE. (2) SH2 domains from Nck and GAP compete for binding to p62 in vitro. (3) Puri®ed GST-Nck-SH2 binds directly to the GAP-associated p62. Under these conditions, SH2 domains from PLCg, PI-3 kinase, SHC, and Grb2 did not bind p62. (4) Tryptic phosphopeptide maps of the Nck-and the GAP-associated p62 proteins are identical. However, Nck and GAP do not co-immunoprecipitate with each other and apparently bind to di erent pools of p62. This study suggests that the GAP-associated p62 acts as an SH2 domain docking protein and mediates the interaction between Nck and EGF receptor in response to EGF stimulation.