Organic semiconductors have sparked interest as flexible, solution processable, and chemically tunable electronic materials. Improvements in charge carrier mobility put organic semiconductors in a competitive position for incorporation in a variety of (opto-)electronic applications. One example is the organic field-effect transistor (OFET), which is the fundamental building block of many applications based on organic semiconductors. While the semiconductor performance improvements opened up the possibilities for applying organic materials as active components in fast switching electrical devices, the ability to make good electrical contact hinders further development of deployable electronics. Additionally, inefficient contacts represent serious bottlenecks in identifying new electronic materials by inhibiting access to their intrinsic properties or providing misleading information. Recent work focused on the relationships of contact resistance with device architecture, applied voltage, metal and dielectric interfaces, has led to a steady reduction in contact resistance in OFETs. While impressive progress was made, contact resistance is still above the limits necessary to drive devices at the speed required for many active electronic components. Here, the origins of contact resistance and recent improvement in organic transistors are presented, with emphasis on the electric field and geometric considerations of charge injection in OFETs.semiconductors with superior intrinsic charge transport properties, there is a stringent need to improve the device properties in order to allow organic devices to fulfill their technological prospectives. In the organic semiconductor community, contact resistance (R C ) has come under increased scrutiny as it is apparent that the final device performance is often domi nated by carrier injection, rather than the transport through the semiconductor layer. Contact resistance can impact OFET development in multiple ways. First, if not accounted for, a high contact resistance may lead to inaccurate extraction of the device parameters. Second, any inaccuracies in parameter extraction can have significant consequences on material development, from generating incorrect structure-property relationships to discarding organic semiconductors whose efficient intrinsic electrical properties have been masked by inefficient contacts. Beyond OFET and semiconductor characterization, analog, low power, and high frequency applications require a greater level of device parameter control than has been obtained in typical DC, high-voltage OFETs. For analog applications, e.g., integration of conditioning circuits such as local sense amps for distributed flexible sensor arrays, nonlinearity of the transistor response inhibits proper functioning and limits applicability of common models used to design circuitry. Low power device development for novel materials are hindered by the high voltage turn-on and current suppression in devices with large R C . Considering high-frequency applications, Klauk suggest...