<p>Inflamasi merupakan suatu respon dari tubuh terhadap adanya cedera maupun infeksi yang ditandai dengan timbulnya kemerahan, demam, bengkak, nyeri dan hilangnya fungsi. Inflamasi berkontribusi terhadap ketidakseimbangan sekresi sitokin yang akan menghambat terjadinya apoptosis pada sel kanker sehingga menyebabkan hiperproliferasi sel. Kanker payudara merupakan salah satu penyakit kanker dengan prevalensi tertinggi di urutan ke dua di dunia. Penelitian terdahulu melaporkan pemberian minyak atsiri rimpang bangle<em> </em>(<em>Zingiber purpureum </em>Roxb.) secara topikal mampu memberikan penghambatan inflamasi yang lebih tinggi daripada <em>triamcinolone</em>, namun spesifik senyawa yang berpotensinya belum diketahui. Tujuan dari penelitian ini, yakni mencari senyawa aktif hasil analisis GCMS minyak atsiri rimpang bangle yang berpotensi sebagai antiinflamasi dan antikanker payudara secara <em>in silico</em>. Metode yang digunakan berupa <em>screening</em> <em>Lipinski’s rule of Five</em>, farmakokinetika dan toksisitas senyawa hasil analisis GC-MS, serta penambatan molekul dan dinamika molekular. Hasil<em> screening</em> dan simulasi penambatan molekul menunjukkan bahwa senyawa 1,4<em>-naphthalenedione-</em>2<em>-ethyl-3-hydroxy </em>dapat berikatan dengan reseptor COX-1 (antiinflamasi), dan hERα (antikanker payudara), namun lebih selektif terhadap reseptor COX-1 dengan nilai energi bebas (ΔG) yang lebih kecil yakni sebesar -7,20 kkal/mol, dibandingkan dengan interaksinya terhadap reseptor Erα yang bernilai -6,00 kkal/mol. Hasil simulasi dinamika molekular menggunakan metode kalkulasi MM-GBSA menunjukkan bahwa kompleks (1,4<em>-naphthalenedione-</em>2<em>-ethyl-</em>3<em>-hydroxy)</em>-(COX-1) memiliki nilai ∆G<sub>TOTAL </sub>sebesar -24,22 kkal/mol. Nilai ini lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan ∆G<sub>TOTAL </sub>kompleks (1,4-<em>naphthalenedione-</em>2<em>-ethyl-</em>3<em>-hydroxy</em>)-(hErα) sebesar -8,92 kkal/mol). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat afinitas 1,4<em>-naphthalenedione-</em>2<em>-ethyl-</em>3<em>-hydroxy</em> terhadap COX-1 diprediksi lebih baik dan lebih poten sebagai antiinflamasi dibandingkan sebagai antikanker payudara.</p><p><strong><em>In Silico</em> Study of 1,4<em>-Naphthalenedione-</em>2<em>-Ethyl-</em>3<em>-Hydroxy</em> Compounds as Anti-inflamation dan Breast Anticancer</strong>. Inflammation is a response from the body to injury or infection which is characterized by redness, fever, swelling, pain, and loss of function. Inflammation contributes to the imbalance of cytokine secretion which will inhibit apoptosis in cancer cells, causing cell hyperproliferation. Breast cancer is one of the cancer diseases with the second-highest prevalence in the world. The pioneering works reported that topical application of Bangle (<em>Zingiber purpureum</em> R) was able to provide a higher inhibition of inflammation than triamcinolone, however, the specific potential of the compound was unknown. The purpose of this study is to find active compounds that have the potential to be anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer in the breast using <em>in silico</em> approach. The methods used are screening Lipinski’s Rule of Five,<em> </em>pharmacokinetics and toxicity of compounds from GC-MS analysis and molecular docking, and molecular dynamics. The screening and molecular docking simulation results showed that the compound 1,4-naphthalenedione-2-ethyl-3-hydroxy can bind to COX-1 (anti-inflammatory), and ERα (Estrogen Reseptor α), but was more selective towards COX-1 receptor with a binding affinity (ΔG) -7.20 kcal/mol, compare to its interaction with ERα which is -6.00 kcal/mol. The results of molecular dynamics simulation using the MM-GBSA calculation method show that the complex (1,4-naphthalenedione-2-ethyl-3-hydroxy)-(COX-1) has a value of ∆G<sub>TOTAL</sub> of -24.22 kcal/mol). This value is smaller than ∆G<sub>TOTAL</sub> of the complex (1,4-naphthalenedione-2-ethyl-3-hydroxy)-(hErα) of -8.92 kcal/mol. The results indicate that the affinity level of 1,4-naphthalenedione-2-ethyl-3-hydroxy to COX-1 was predicted to be better and more potent as an anti-inflammatory than as an anti-breast cancer.</p>