T h e inolecular *olunies of 1-phenylalkanes and 2-pheii) 1-alkanes at any @\en fraction of the critical temperature are linear functions of the nuniber of carbon atoms.
RIolecuIar\ olunies of fourteen homologous series of mononuclear aromatic h>drocarbons at 20' C. are also linear functions of the number of carbon atonis. Both of these relationships may be expressed by equations of the forni : M / d = V = a -+ bn Constants a and b are simple functions of the reduced temperature. These functions may be expressed by equations of the form :study reported her<% correlates existing density d:ita THE with structure for fourteen homologous series of mononurlcar aromatic hydrocarbons, and thus provides n method for cstirnntiug the molecular volumes (molecular weiplit divided by t1r:nsity) and densities of unknown or unmcasurctl Incmhcrs of t h r serica.('omparison:: of moleuuinr volumes must he m:i& a t specified temperatures berause of the variation of density with tempcrature. Compari3ons niny be made a t u constant tempcrnturc,, such as 20" C,. ( 1 , 2 , Y,, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 18), or at characteristic tcmperatures wi>h :ID the boiling point (6, 1 4 ) , the melting point (8,16), or a yivisn fraction of the c?itical temperature. 'rhc 1;ittcr is preferred ( 5 ) when thc necessary dnta :w available.The studies already published arc. concerned principally with aliphatic and alicyclic compounds. The present corrclation was carried out for fourtt.c.11 homologous series of arom:itic 1Iydroc:irbons a t 20' c.nncl for tvio series a t corre--1)oncling reduced temperatures (fr.ictions of the critical templXr:ltures). By both of these nwthods the molecular volume IY:IS found t o 1,c :In ntlditirc function oi thc. iiunit)i,1, cJi' w rt,oil atom-\vitllin :i I~OIY.O~OKOLIS .-i.ries. This 1elation>nip may I W c*spressud LIT 1 II(' c~qmitiori