“…But we contribute to the literature by computing optimal simple rules and showing that the differences in performance with respect to inflation targeting and across makeup strategies are greatly reduced when we use optimized response coefficients. 2 Fourth, while early literature has typically assumed that the policy strategy is fully credible and well understood, see for instance Kiley and Roberts (2017), we contribute to the research pointing to the crucial role of expectations formation in determining the performance of makeup strategies, see Bernanke, Kiley, and Roberts (2019), Amano, Gnocchi, Leduc, and Wagner (2020), Budianto, Nakata, and Schmidt (2020), and Busetti, Neri, Notarpietro, and Pisani (2021. 3 We show that policy promises of lower-for-longer embedded in makeup strategies increase in power the more the model suffers from excess sensitivity of inflation to interest rate expectations -the forward guidance puzzle.…”