Effective schools are often equated with the terms Quality School and productive school. Equating schools effectively with the term quality school or productive school according to the researchers' view is not always appropriate. Although there are some elements of similarity, there are clearly differences. Quality School is a school that has fulfilled the established standards of quality, and its main focus is on processes based on quality standards. While the productive school is focused on productivity and output indicators produced by schools, as well as school imaging efforts. The Effective School focuses on the school's efforts to achieve the goals set through systemic analysis or the system of input, process and output (IPO) systems. Based on theoretical studies and research results, many things that influence and determine school effectiveness. Among the factors that influence and determine school effectiveness are school leadership, principal performance, school administration staff performance, teacher motivation, teacher commitment, organizational culture / climate, teacher teaching performance, learning facilities, school finance / education funding, implementation Total Quality Management (TQM) and one of the established quality standards provides a significant contribution which is the management of community empowerment in the realization of an effective Primary School in the City of Bekasi.