The main cause of death remains infectious diseases, especially in many countries, due for example to the emergence of large numbers of microbial strains that are resistant to many drugs and the increase of new infectious diseases. The previous problem is mostly caused by Gram-negative bacteria. For example, Acinetobacter baumannii resistance to drug plays a serious role in the abortive treatment of infectious diseases and cancer. So, to improve effective treatment in contradiction of A. baumannii, it is vital to know the origin of bacterial host interfaces, particularly those related to the host's body's defenses. Altered innate immune cells, for example DCs, NK cells, monocytes and macrophages have been recognized as primary influences in protection, in contrast to A. baumannii, between them, neutrophils refer to a master immune cells that are essential for controlling infection. Several immunological strategies have been identified to fight A. baumannii for example acknowledgment of bacteria through immunocyte done design appreciation receptors, and certainly TLRs, which activate cytokine-containing germicidal mechanisms, oxidative blast and synthesis of chemicals to increase the immune response against germs of pathogens.