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AbstractPurpose -The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the effects of emotion as outcomes of cognition, in turn influencing levels of information system (IS) usage at work. In doing so, the author presents set of propositions illustrating an integrated model by adapting both cognitive and affects aspects to explain continuance of IS usage. Design/methodology/approach -This conceptual paper explains the importance of cognitive judgement to IS usage via emotional lenses. Based on literature covering the concepts of technology adaptation theory, emotions, as well as the theoretical foundations in cognitive appraisal, the author has examined the relationship between cognition and IS usage with mediating emotion. Findings -Propositions based on literature review of cognition and emotions in IS research are presented for further empirical study. The author argues that by connecting cognitive judgement and emotional reactions on IS, both ease of use and usefulness should be considered in designing IS as to how these may generate positive or negative emotions. Research limitations/implications -As the success of IS depends on the users' continued use of the system, an integrated model adapting both cognitive and affects aspects will be better equipped to explain continuance of IS usage. Practical implications -Good IS design could influence not only the effectiveness of IS but also the emotional well-being of employees. Originality/value -This is one of the first studies to consider together the impact of the cognitive and affective processes leading to IS continuance in one model. This is one of the first studies in which one single model is used to consider together the impact of the cognitive and affective processes leading to IS continuance. Thus, the author contributes to IS continuance literature as well as employees' well-being literatures given how IS is embedded in today's working organization. The author also believes the model will stimulate more comprehensive understanding of IS continuance as IS users are considered as human beings with both cognition and emoti...