Objective: The risk factors for the development of retention cysts of the maxillary sinuses (RCMs) are not clear, although RCMs are common findings on radiographic images. This study was conducted to evaluate the correlation between RCMs and other nasal-paranasal anomalies and to demonstrate the possible effects of these anomalies on the development of RCMs. Methods: In the study, paranasal sinus computerized tomography (PNsCT) images from 5166 patients were retrospectively reviewed. Correlations between RCMs and osteomeatal complex obstruction, accessory ostium presence, abnormalities of the middle turbinate, and nasal septal deviation were analyzed in the PNsCT images. The paranasal sinus anomalies on the side of the RCMs were compared to the contralateral side. Results: A total of 1880 RCMs were detected in 1429 (27.6%) of 5166 patients. At least one nasal-paranasal sinus anomaly was associated with 88.7% of the RCMs. In the descending order, accessory ostium presence, accessory ostium, middle turbinate anomalies, and nasal septal deviation are pathologies that accompany RCMs. When unilateral RCMs were compared with the normal side, significant correlations were observed between RCMs and osteomeatal complex obstruction, accessory ostium, and middle turbinate anomalies (p=0.001, p=0.016, and p=0.03, respectively). RCMs were commonly found on the same side as osteomeatal complex obstruction (p=0.001), middle turbinate anomalies (p=0.001), and accessory ostium (p=0.052). Conclusions: In this study, the coexistence of osteomeatal complex obstruction, accessory ostium, middle turbinate anomalies, and nasal septum deviation with RCMs was analyzed by investigating PNsCT findings in 5166 patients. The results show that RCMs are associated with pathologies that increase paranasal inflammation, such as osteomeatal complex obstruction, and are good markers for nasal-paranasal sinus anomalies. The presence of incidental RCMs should be a warning sign of nasal-paranasal sinus anomalies. Keywords: Paranasal sinuses, anomalies, nasal cavity, turbinates, computed tomography Öz Amaç: Maksiller sinüs retansiyon kistleri (MsRK) radyolojik incelemelerde sık karşılaşılan bulgular olmakla birlikte, MsRK'lerin gelişimi için risk faktörleri açık değildir. Bu çalışma MsRK'ler ile diğer nazal-paranazal sinüs anomalileri arasındaki korelasyonu değerlendirmek ve bu anomalilerin MsRK gelişimi için olası etkilerini ortaya koymak amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Yöntemler: Çalışmada, 5166 hastanın paranazal sinüs bilgisayarlı tomografi (PNsBT) görüntüleri geriye dönük olarak değerlendirildi. PNsBT görüntülerinde MsRK'ler ile osteomeatal kompleks obstrüksiyonu, aksesuar ostium varlığı, orta konka anomalileri, nazal septal deviasyon arasındaki korelasyonlar analiz edildi. MsRK olan taraftaki paranasal sinüs anomalileri, olmayan tarafla karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: MsRK, 5166 hastanın 1429'unda (%27.6) toplamda 1880 olmak üzere saptandı. MsRK'lerin %88.7'sine en az bir nazal-paranazal sinus anomalisi eş-lik etti. Azalan sırada; osteomeatal komple...