We give a closed expression for the number of points over finite fields of the Lusztig nilpotent variety associated to any quiver, in terms of Kac's A-polynomials. When the quiver has 1-loops or oriented cycles, there are several possible variants of the Lusztig nilpotent variety, and we provide formulas for the point count of each. This involves nilpotent versions of the Kac A-polynomial, which we introduce and for which we give a closed formula similar to Hua's formula for the usual Kac Apolynomial. Finally we compute the number of points over a finite field of the various stratas of the Lusztig nilpotent variety involved in the geometric realization of the crystal graph. T. BOZEC, O. SCHIFFMANN AND E. VASSEROT 2.3.1. The integrality 18 2.3.2. The value at 1 18 3. Nakajima's quiver varieties and their attracting subvarieties 20 3.1. Quiver varieties 20 3.2. Reminder on tori actions on varieties 22 3.2.1. The Bialynicki-Birula decomposition 22 3.2.2. Roots 23 3.3. The Bialynicki-Birula decompositions of M(v, w) 23 3.3.1. The cases of L 0 (v, w), L(v, w) and M 0 (v, w). 23 3.3.2. The cases of L 1 (v, w) and M 1 (v, w). 25 3.4. More on the Bialynicki-Birula decompositions of M(v, w) 26 3.4.1. The cases of L 0 (v, w), L(v, w). 26 3.4.2. The cases of L 1 (v, w). 29 3.4.3. Irreducible components of L 0 (v, w) and L 1 (v, w). 29 3.5. Counting polynomials of quiver varieties 30 4. Proof of the theorem 34 4.1. The stratification of L(v, w) 34 4.2. Proof of Theorem 1.4 35 5. Factorization of λ Q (q, z) and the strata in Λ v . 37 6. Appendix 38 6.1. The generalized quantum group 38 6.2. Character formulas 39 6.3. The generalized Kac-Moody algebra 42 References 44