Spatial encoding in MR techniques is achieved by sampling the signal as a function of time in the presence of a magnetic field gradient. The gradients are assumed to generate a linear magnetic field gradient, and typical image reconstruction relies upon this approximation. However, high-speed gradients in the current generation of MRI scanners often sacrifice linearity for improvements in speed. Such nonlinearity results in distorted images. The problem is presented in terms of first principles, and a correction method based on a gradient field spherical harmonic expansion is proposed. In our case, the amount of distortion measured within a typical field of view (FOV) required for head imaging is sufficiently large that without the use of some distortion correction technique, the images would be of The quality of an MR image is dependent upon the accuracy with which the physical position is spatially encoded. Since MRI data are now used routinely for stereotaxy, longitudinal studies of atrophy, and functional studies, it is critical to ensure that images have no distortion or inhomogeneity. The principal machine-dependent sources of this inhomogeneity are eddy currents, gradient nonlinearity, and B 0 and B 1 inhomogeneity (14). In this study we present an analytical approach to calculating and removing the effects of nonlinear gradients only. We chose to focus on a gradient-only solution because of the recent interest in short-bore, high-speed gradients. Although peripheral nerve stimulation is a limiting feature of short rise times, such gradients have been found to be useful in high-speed echo-planar imaging (EPI) of the heart and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) of the brain. To achieve short rise times and avoid peripheral nerve stimulation, designers have restricted the length of gradients and limited the number of turns in those gradients. Although these constraints are suitable for the implementation of pulse sequences with the desired speed, they have the undesired consequence of increased nonlinearity.Nonlinear pulsed field gradients induce image distortions due to incorrect spatial encoding of the signal. If we assume that the field gradients are linear, it follows that k-space is sampled linearly, and thus the fast Fourier transform (FFT) is suitable for reconstruction. However, any deviation from linearity in the gradients results in nonlinear data sampling and subsequent errors in image spatial encoding. A nonlinear FT would allow these data to be correctly transformed to an image. Unfortunately, nonlinear FT greatly increases computation time by N/log 2 N, relative to an FFT, which makes real-time image generation computationally prohibitive. Here we present a general analytical solution to correct image distortions induced by gradient nonlinearity. The method is applicable to any gradient configuration. It is robust and, more importantly, is based upon an approach whereby the FFT is maintained for image reconstruction.The notion of mapping and correcting such MRI distortions is not new. Two early pa...