This work is focused on the design optimization of electrical machines that are used in small-scale direct-drive aerogenerators. A ducted wind turbine, equipped with a diffuser, is considered due to its enhanced power capability with respect to bare turbines. An annular type Permanent Magnet brushless generator is integrated in the turbine structure: the stator coils are placed in the internal part of the diffuser, whereas the permanent magnets are on an external ring connected to the turbine blade tips. Moreover, as regards the stator windings, the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) technology is investigated in order to exploit its advantages with respect to conventional wire coils, such as the increased current density capacity, the reduction of costs, and the enhanced precision and repeatability of the PCBs. An original design procedure is presented together with some scalability rules. An automated tool has been developed in order to aid the electrical machine designer in the first design stages: the tool performs multi-objective optimizations (using the Matlab Genetic Algorithm Toolbox), coupled to fast Finite Element analysis (through the open-source software FEMM) for the evaluation of the electromagnetic torque and field distribution. The proposed procedure is applied to the design of an annular PM generator directly coupled to a small-scale turbine for an urban application.