The damage threshold and damage mechanism of extreme-ultraviolet Sc͞Si multilayer mirror coatings are investigated with focused nanosecond pulses at 46.9-nm radiation from a compact capillary-discharge laser. Damage threshold f luences of ϳ0.08 J͞cm 2 are measured for coatings deposited on both borosilicate glass and Si substrates. The use of scanning and transmission electron microscopy and small-angle x-ray diffraction techniques reveals the thermal nature of the damage mechanism. The results are relevant to the use of newly developed high-f lux extreme-ultraviolet sources in applications. However, the damage to these mirrors when exposed to high peak powers of EUV light has not been studied to our knowledge. This problem is now of particular relevance because the peak power and f luence of EUV sources have recently increased significantly (for example, the radiation f luence at the exit of a capillary-discharge Ne-like Ar laser operating at 46.9 nm can exceed 1 J͞cm 2 ) and is soon expected to achieve unprecedented values with the commissioning of EUV free-electron lasers. 2 -4 In this Letter we report results of the study of the optical damage mechanisms and the damage threshold for Sc͞Si EUV mirrors exposed to high-power EUV laser radiation. The study was conducted by focusing the output of a tabletop capillary-discharge Ne-like Ar laser emitting nanosecond duration pulses at a wavelength of 46.9 nm. The resulting damage to the multilayer coatings exposed to the EUV beam was analyzed with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and small-angle x-ray diffraction (l 0.154 nm) techniques. Our results show that multilayer coatings on Si and borosilicate glass have similar damage threshold values of ϳ0.08 J͞cm 2 , compared with the 0.7 J͞cm 2 found necessary to damage a bare Si substrate. These values are similar to the thresholds found in Mo͞Si, W͞C, and W͞Si coatings measured at much shorter wavelengths.
6,7The Sc͞Si multilayers were deposited by dc magnetron sputtering at 3 mTorr of Ar pressure on superpolished borosilicate glass (surface roughness of s ϳ 0.4 nm) and on Si wafers (s ϳ 0.6 nm). The multilayers on borosilicate glass consisted of ten periods of Sc͞Si layers, each with a thickness of ϳ26.7 nm and a ratio of layer thickness of H͑Sc͒͞H͑Si͒ ϳ 0.7. A top 5-nm-thick Si protection layer capped the multilayers. The multilayer coatings deposited on Si consisted of 33 periods of Sc͞Si pairs with the same parameters as those deposited on borosilicate glass. In these structures the crystalline Sc layers were always separated from the amorphous Si layers by ϳ3 nm of amorphous ScSi interface layers formed by interdiffusion. The experimental setup used to irradiate the samples was described in Ref. 9. The laser emission was focused onto the target surface with a spherical R 10 cm Sc͞Si multilayer-coated mirror that was 2.5 cm in diameter and positioned at normal incidence. The ref lectivity of this particular mirror was measured to be ϳ30% at 46.9 nm. The capillarydischar...