chiral molecules and their interactions are critical in a variety of chemical and biological processes. circular dichroism (cD) is the most widely used optical technique to study chirality, often performed in a solution phase. However, CD has low-efficiency on the order of 0.01-1%. therefore, there is a growing need to develop high-efficiency chiroptical techniques, especially in gas-phase, to gain background-free in-depth insight into chiral interactions. By using mass spectrometry and strongfield ionization of limonene with elliptically polarized light, we demonstrate an efficient chiral discrimination method that produces a chiral signal of one to two orders of magnitude higher than the conventional cD. the chiral response exhibits a strong dependence on wavelength in the range of 1,300-2,400 nm, where the relative abundance of the ion yields alternates between the two enantiomers. The origin of enhanced enantio-sensitivity in intense laser fields is attributed to two mechanisms that rely on the recollision dynamics in a chiral system: (1) the excited ionic state dynamics mediated either by the laser field or by the recollision process, and (2) non-dipole effects that alter the electron's trajectories. our results can serve as a benchmark for testing and developing theoretical tools involving non-dipole effects in strong-field ionization of molecules. Chiral molecules lack S n symmetry (improper rotation axis) due to the presence of a chiral center in which an atom is connected to four different groups of atoms 1. Consequently, there is a handedness to the molecule. The left-and right-handed molecules are non-superimposable mirror images of each other, called enantiomers. They have identical physical and chemical properties making it difficult to differentiate them. Chiral discrimination requires an interaction between two chiral systems-a chiral reagent with known handedness that can induce enantio-selectivity in the second chiral system. In nature, bio-molecules such as amino acids that make up life on earth are homochiral, where one enantiomer exists predominantly over the other due to asymmetric interactions 2. Homochirality plays a pivotal role in our daily life by serving as a chiral reagent for enantio-selectivity. For example, olfactory receptors in our nose, responsible for the sense of smell, interact differently with the two enantiomers of a chiral system. For instance, the right-handed enantiomer of limonene has an orange odour while the left-handed enantiomer has a lemon odour 3. In practice, enantio-selectivity can be achieved using circularly polarized light (CPL) as a chiral reagent. CD is one of the most widely used chiroptical techniques. It arises due to the coupling of the electric and magnetic dipole transitions, thereby resulting in a differential absorption of left-and right-circularly polarized light 1,4-8. CD has low-efficiency on the order of 0.01-1% because magnetic dipole transitions are involved 9-12. Moreover, CD measurements are mostly conducted in solution phase, making it diffi...