These highly ordered structures exhibit essential functional properties for living systems. For instance, collagen-based structures confer mechanical properties to different types of tissues like skin, tendon, and bone. This functional diversity is attained by relying on the structural variation of supramolecular architectures comprised of just a few building blocks at distinct length scales, rather than through a large variety of building blocks. [3] Hierarchical supramolecular architectures are built from individual building blocks by a multi-level self-assembly process driven by noncovalent interactions. [5] However, in a crowded environment, like the inside of a cell, the effects that a hierarchical architecture experiences as a consequence of crowding, that is, the impact of depletion forces on the system, are easily overlooked. [6] In fact, the selfassembly process of biomolecules, such as nucleic acids and proteins, has been shown to be different under crowding conditions than in the dilute solutions usually used in sample preparation and analysis. [7] Intracellular macromolecules increase the effective concentration of protein monomers [8,9] and lower the critical concentration of the formation of cytoskeletal fibers. [10,11] Water-soluble non-adsorbing polymers are commonly used as crowding agents to induce depletion forces to mimic the crowding environment in vitro. [7] When placed in a crowding environment, biological filaments, such as the cytoskeleton, are inclined to align into highly ordered bundles and networks. [12,13] Even more, an active life-like hierarchical matter has been created upon the addition of molecular motors. [14,15]