Hyperbaric oxygenation and the genic expression related to oxidative stress in the heart of mice during intestinal ischemia and reperfusion 1
3-Experimental SurgeryActa Cir Bras. 2017;32(11):913-923
AbstractPurpose: To investigate the effects of hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) on intestinal ischemia and reperfusion (IR) injury, we evaluated the expression of 84 genes related to oxidative stress and the antioxidant response in mouse hearts. Methods: Four groups were subjected to 60 minutes of intestinal ischemia followed by 60 minutes of reperfusion: IRG, ischemia and reperfusion group without HBO; HBO-IG, which received HBO during ischemia; HBO-RG, which received HBO during reperfusion; and HBO-IRG, which received HBO during ischemia and reperfusion. The control group (CG) underwent anesthesia and laparotomy and was observed for 120 minutes. The (RT-qPCR) method was applied. Genes with expression levels three times below or above the threshold cycle were considered significantly hypoexpressed or hyperexpressed, respectively (Student's t-test p<0.05).Results: Eight genes (9.52%) were hyperexpressed in the IRG. When the HBO groups were compared to the IRG, we found a decrease in the expression of eight genes in the HBO-IG, five genes in the HBO-RG, and seven genes in the HBO-IRG.
Conclusion:The reduction in the expression of genes related to oxidative stress and antioxidant defense following HBO in mouse hearts resulting from intestinal IR injury was more favorable during the ischemic period than during the reperfusion period. Thirty male isogenic mice (C57BL/6) from the Center for the Development of Experimental Models in Medicine and Biology (CEDEME -UNIFESP) were housed under controlled temperature and light conditions with a 12:12 hour light: dark cycle and free access to water and pelleted rations for up to 6 hours before the surgical procedures.
Anesthetic and surgical proceduresThe mice were anesthetized intramuscularly with 44 mg.kg -1 of ketamine hydrochloride solution (Ketamina AgenerUnião Química, São Paulo), 2.5 mg.kg -1 of xylazine hydrochloride (Calmium -União Química, São Paulo), and 0.75 mg.kg -1 of acepromazine (Acepran -Rhobifarma, Hortolândia-SP). The control group (CG) was anesthetized, subjected to laparotomy without occlusion of the superior mesenteric vessels, and observed for 120 minutes. The IR group (IRG) was subjected to 60 minutes of superior mesenteric artery occlusion, followed by 60 minutes of reperfusion. Three groups received HBO as follows: during ischemia (HBO-IG), during reperfusion (HBO-RG), and during ischemia and during reperfusion (HBO-IRG).
Material collection procedureSamples were taken from the small intestine and the heart. The fragments of the hearts and the intestinal segments were washed with saline solution, wrapped in labeled aluminum foil, immersed in liquid nitrogen (-196°C), and sent to the Laboratory
■ IntroductionIschemia-reperfusion (IR) injuries with cellular alterations and humoral disorders lead to an imbalance in homeostasis 1 . These injuries occur as a resu...