Cervical spondylosis myelopathy (CSM) is a clinical syndrome of motoric or sensoric, caused by degenerative process chronically causing narrowing of cervical canal and compressing the spinal cord. The narrowing of canalis spinalis causing chronic compression and disrupting vascular patency in spinal cord. This is worsened on repetitive trauma on flexion, extension and rotation. CSM has an incidence of 4.04 in 100.000 cases per year and the total patients undergoing treatment operative or nonoperatively in year increasing for 7 times. Apoptosis plays a critical role in important biological processes such as morphogenesis, tissue homeostasis, and immunity; furthermore, its aberrant activation or impairment may contribute to a number of diseases. The understanding of CSM pathophysiology from apoptotic pathway is an essential topic to discussed and the treatment of this case in future.
This study uses experimental study with Post test Only Control Group, using New Zealand rabbits. The rabbits given the compression on cervical as high as C5 to induce CSM. The tissue was taken from spinal cord on compression area and histopathology examination was done to calculate apoptotic factor expression such as AIF and caspase-3.
Chronic compression on spinal cord causing myelopathy clinically on animal study, resulted in weakness of all extremities. Based on this study, the expression of AIF and caspase-3 is increasing in compression group in day 14 to day 21.
Chronic compression in spinal cord causing increase in AIF and caspase-3 in day 14 and day 21, and this may be caused by increasing of apoptotic expression on animal study.