Neofavolus species were previously considered members of Polyporus P. Micheli ex Adans. Based on morphological and phylogenetic studies, three species with a reduced stipe, glabrous upper surface covered with attened scales, cuticle composed of agglutinated generative hyphae covering the context, and poroid hymenophore were segregated from the "Favolus group" (Sotome, Akagi, Lee, Ishikawa, & Hattori, 2013). Subsequently, Seelan et al. (2015, 2016) transferred to this genus a species of Lentinus (L. suavissimus Fr.) with decurrent lamellae, sub-poroid only at the stipe apex. Although Favolus and Neofavolus are morphologically similar, they are phylogenetically unrelated, con rming generic segregation (Sotome et al., 2013;Seelan et al., 2015;Zhou & Cui, 2017). Neofavolus has currently eight valid species. Up to date, Neofavolus subpurpurascens (Murrill) Palacio & Robledo is the only species recorded in the Neotropics (Jamaica -type locality and South America) (