Since the older days, spirulina has been consumed as a vital food supplement derived from algae. The properties of this alga, such as anticancer, antioxidant and hepatoprotective, have great significance in enhancing the quality of life and contributing to better health. The affliction of liver diseases and cancer is widespread among humanity, causing significant health issues. Thus, the importance of the current work is evident. The purpose was to assess the pharmacological properties of spirulina species concerning their capacity to guard the liver, counteract oxidation and combat cancer. In order to find the most comprehensive information, an intensive hunt was launched on various online databases such as Google Scholar, Scopus, PubMed and Medline. The focus was only on complete experimental and clinical works that surfaced between 2000 and 2019. 2064 related articles were found, of which 58 met the requirements of the present work; they were analysed by documentary analysis and grouped into clusters according to their pharmacognosy properties. According to the articles reviewed, spirulina possesses abundant nutraceutical components and holds promise as an anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, antioxidant, antimutagenic, cytotoxic, anticancer and apoptotic agent.
RezumatSpirulina a fost folosită ca și supliment alimentar esențial încă din cele mai vechi timpuri. Afecțiunile hepatice și oncologice sunt larg răspândite și provoacă grave probleme de sănătate. Scopul prezentului studiu a fost evaluarea proprietăților farmacologice ale speciilor de spirulină, capacitatea lor hepatoprotectoare, antioxidantă și antineoplazică, consultând diferite baze de date (Google Scholar, Scopus, PubMed și Medline). Accentul a fost pus doar pe lucrările experimentale și clinice complete apărute între anii 2000 și 2019, astfel au fost găsite 2064 de articole conexe, dintre care doar 58 au îndeplinit criteriile de includere. Conform articolelor analizate, spirulina posedă abundente componente nutraceutice și aduce beneficii terapeutice ca agent antiinflamator, hepatoprotector, antioxidant, antimutagenic, citotoxic, anticancerigen și apoptotic.