Angular correlation techniques have been used to determine the spin of a strong resonance observed in the 12 C ϩ 12 C(3 Ϫ ;9.64 MeV͒ inelastic scattering channel, at a bombarding energy of 33.5 MeV in the center-ofmass system. The alpha particles produced in the sequential decay 12 C(3 Ϫ )→ 8 Be͑g.s.͒ ϩ ␣ 0 were detected using four double-sided silicon strip detectors. The data are consistent with a spin assignment of J ϭ18 ϩ for this resonance. The current results are compared to calculations of resonance behavior in this system from the band crossing model. ͓S0556-2813͑96͒03511-X͔ PACS number͑s͒: 25.70.Ef, 25.70.Pq