“…9 However, a recently published inscription found in Mihalıççık and now in the Eskişehir Museum reads: διὰ τῶν Καίσαρος χωρίων κωμῶν and ἐν ταῖς τοῦ κυρίου ἡμῶν Καίσαρος κώμαις. This refers to the imperial estate, Choria 1 See previous publications from the surveys: Güney 2016Güney , 2018aGüney , 2018bGüney , 2018cGüney , 2018dGüney , 2019aGüney , 2019bGüney , 2019cGüney , 2020aGüney , 2020bGüney , 2020cGüney , 2021 Talbert 2000, Phrygia, map 62: https://pleiades.stoa.org/places/609442 (11.05.2022).…”