I t has been found that the thiocarbonate, or (alky1thio)carbonyl derivative, serves as a versatile blocking group for the synthesis of partial ester derivatives of carbohydrates. T h e (allc~~lthio)carbo~i~~l group is readily substit~ited in pyridine solution, is stable to ~iiild acid conditions, but is deconlposed by mild oxidation. Crystalline methyl 4,6-di-0-benzoyl-a-Dglucopyranoside has been synthcsized and its structure proved by an independent synthesis of its 2,3-di-0-phenylcarbamate derivative. Methyl 4,6-di-0-benzoyl-p-D-glucopyrai~oside was also synthesized and its structure proved by acetylation to the linown 2,s-di-0-acetyl derivative.