Structure-dependent Si(2/») surface core-level shifts and 2p photothreshold spectra which yield new surface geometry information are reported. For Si(100)-(2X 1), ~0.5 monolayer of surface atoms are found shifted to smaller binding energy (-0.5 eV) relative to the bulk; this rules out symmetric pairing models. Si(lll)-(7x 7) and Si(lll)-(2X 1) show different surface 2p core-level spectra (e.g., |-layer shifted -0.7 eV versus y layer shifted -0.4 eV), suggesting different geometries. Si(lll)-(ix 1)H exhibits first-layer (+0.26 eV) and second-layer (+0.15 eV) shifts.PACS numbers: 68.20.+ t, 79.60.£q Angle-integrated (~ 1.8 sr) photoelectron spectra were taken with a display-type spectrometer 8 with use of synchrotron radiation from the 240-MeV Tantalus-I storage ring. The Si(lll)-(2x 1) surface was prepared by cleaving in vacuum (mid-10 11 -Torr range); single domain cleaves were selected with no visible streaking of the LEED pattern (i.e., few steps). Exposing this surface to activated hydrogen resulted in a Si(lll)-(lx 1)H surface. The Si(100)-(2xl) and Si(lll)-(7x7) surfaces were prepared by very mild sputtering and by heating off the oxide film. Nearly intrinsic wafers were used (^10 Q, cm with large Debye screening lengths) with different dopings (p-type boron doped and n-type phosphor doped) to rule out band-bending effects. Fermi-level reference energies were obtained by measuring the Fermi edge of the Ta sample holder.Si(2p) core-level angle-integrated photoemission spectra for Si(100)~(2xl) are shown in Fig. 1 for two photon energies, hu= 108 and 130 eV. For hv= 130 eV, a shoulder is observed on the low-binding-energy side of the spin-orbit-split Zpi/2,3/2 doublet. This shoulder is very weak for hi; = 108 eV where the escape depth of the 2p photoelectrons is much longer than at the higher energy (final energy of =9eV above E F vs 31 eV). Exposure of this surface to oxygen or hydrogen quenches this surface-state level and introduces chemically shifted surface core levels on the high-binding-energy side of the bulk peak (not shown in Fig. 1). This rules out monochromator and spectrometer artifacts.We have decomposed the spectra in Fig. 1 into similarly shaped 2p l/2 and 2p 3 / 2 contributions (as shown by dashed lines) and have analyzed Si bulk and surface core-level features using a least squares fitting program with Lorentzian line shapes of equal width. From this, a spin-orbit splitting of A = 0.61 ±0.01 eV was determined with a (/>i/ 2 /p 3 / 2 ) branching ratio R that varied from 0.51 at hv^ 108 eV to 0.53 at /^=130 eV which is close to the statistical ratio of R = 0.5. This suggests that diffraction effects 9 are small.Spin-orbit-decomposed 2p 3 / 2 spectra for all Si surfaces studied are shown in Fig. 2 (solid lines). Together with surface-sensitive spectra at hv = 120 eV, we show one bulklike spectrum (hv = 108 eV) for the hydrogen-terminated Si(lll) surface. All energy scales have been referenced to the bulk Si 2p 3 / 2 core-level position as measured for hv = 108 eV. Using our 2p 3 j 2 binding ene...