1 Pol ish Geo log i cal In sti tute -Na tional Re search In sti tute, Rakowiecka 4, 00-975 Warszawa, Po land Zglinicki, K., Szama³ek, K., 2020. The Cy clops Moun tains Mas sif (New Guinea, In do ne sia) as the prov e nance area for metal-bear ing shelf sed i ments from the Car o lin ian Sea. Geo log i cal Quar terly, 64 (2): 480-491, doi: 10.7306/gq.1512
As so ci ate Ed i tor: Stanis³aw Wo³kowiczIn 2009, on the ini tia tive of PT Halmahera Perkasa the "Jayapura" ex plo ra tion pro ject was car ried out in In do ne sia. As part of this pro ject, ex plo ra tion of the sea bot tom in the north ern coast of New Guinea was car ried out over a dis tance of ~45 km. The suc tion dredge col lected 59 sam ples of loose sed i ments from the shelf bot tom sur face of the Car o lin ian Sea (to a depth of 60 m be low the sea-floor). The ex tracted sam ples are usu ally poorly and mod er ately sorted sands (5 sam ples), medium-grained sands (21 sam ples), and fine-grained sands (33 sam ples). The sand com po si tion shows, among oth ers, a wide spec trum of heavy min er als of ul tra-mafic (Cr-gar net, chro mium spinel, Mg-ol iv ine) and meta mor phic (epidote, clinochlore, am phi bole, ti tan ite) or i gin. The con tent of heavy min er als in the sed i ments is up to 54.77 wt.%. It was found that the source of heavy frac tion in the east ern and west ern parts of the coast is the rock of the ophiolite se ries build ing the Cyclops Moun tains Mas sif. The min eral com po si tion of sed i ments from the cen tral coastal zone cor re sponds to the types of rocks build ing the meta mor phic core of the Cy clops Moun tains (am phi bo lite, gneiss es, an de site). Three min eral-geo chem ical subprovinces were de ter mined on the ba sis of anal y ses of heavy min eral de com po si tion and chem i cal anal y ses of sed iments. Shelf sed i ment from the east ern part of the coast is char ac ter ized by an in creased con tent of stra te gic met als (Ni up to 3560, W up to 3130 and Co up to 142 ppm). In the cen tral zone, the V con tent in creases up to 244 ppm and the Ag con tent up to 5 ppm. In the shelf sed i ments there is a strong de ple tion in the REE.