'3Ni was applied to nonsenescent source leaves and found to be transported to sink tissues in pea (Pisum sativum L.) and geranium plants (Pelargonium zonale L). The comparative mobilities (percent tracer transported out of source leaf _ % '6Rb transported) for '3Ni in peas was 2.12 and in geranium 0.25. The value for the phloem mobile MRb was 1.00. By contrast, the comparative mobility of "5Ca, which is relatively immobile in the phloem, was low (0.05 in peas, 0.00 in geranium). Interruption of the phloem pathway between source and sink leaves by steam girdling almost completely inhibited '3Ni accumulation in the sink leaves of both species. We conclude that Ni is transported from nonsenescent source leaves to sink tissues via the phloem of leguminous and nonleguminous plants.The biological importance and essentiality of Ni to plants, animals, and bacteria has recently been extensively reviewed and investigated (5,6,8,9,14). Ni is a constituent of the enzyme urease (3); Ni deficiencies lead to reduced urease activity in tissue cultures of soybean, rice, and tobacco ( 11) and in the leaves and seeds of intact soybean plants grown hydroponically on rigorously purified Ni deficient nutrient solutions (5,6,8). Ni deficiencies also result in excessive accumulation of urea and toxic damage to leaves of leguminous plants (soybean, cowpea) whether these are metabolizing external sources of inorganic N or fixing N2 (5, 8).Ni is readily taken up from acidic soil solutions by plant roots and is transported in free and chelated forms to the transpiring leaves via the xylem (1, 9, 12). Ni ions are reportedly less available to the roots of plants growing on alkaline soils (2, 9) and these plants might therefore be subject to suboptimal rates of supply from the soil. Reduced availability of micronutrients can limit growth and adversely affect new tissue development in plants, especially when mobilization and/or phloem transport of accumulated reserves out of mature sink leaves is restricted (4). However, by contrast with other essential micronutrients, low soil levels of Ni do not limit growth in pot trials (2) or seem to produce reports of deficiency symptoms in the field.Ni does not appear to be excluded from the phloem since 63Nicould be detected in phloem exudates from bark incisions in the stems of castor oil plants which were continuously supplied 63Ni (Fig. 1). For girdling experiments the phloem in a 1 cm section of stem between the first and second leaf below the apex was killed as described above.Treatments and Assays. Short lengths of tygon tubing (0.7 cm length, 0.5 cm i.d.) were sealed with lanoline to the upper cuticular surface of source leaves so as to enclose a small area of cuticle which had been previously lightly scraped with the tip of a microsyringe to facilitate penetration. Twenty L of one tracer solution (100 Ci.ml-' of 633Ni, 70 Ciml-of 45 Ca, or 30 Ciml-' of86 Rb) previously adjusted with the appropriate unlabeled chloride carrier salt to 0.1 mM ion was injected into each tygon leaf-well. T...