Bright field XTEM of ErSi 2x /Si(100) interface and SAED micrograph of ErSi 2x films formed on a SiC 100) substrate annealed at 500 0 e for 60s in an N2 ambient. (a) Non-amorphized sample, (b) Ar plasma cleaned sample, and (c) PAl sample. The various crystal planes and directions have been marked. SIMS depth profile of ErSi 2x films formed on a SiC100) substrate annealed at 600 0 e for 60s in an N 2 ambient. (a) Nonamorphized, (b) Ar plasma cleaned sample, and (c) PAl samples. 1-V characteristics of ErSi 2x /p-Si Schottky diodes measured at room temperature. (a) Non-amorphized Si diode, (b) Ar plasma cleaned diode, and (c) PAl diode. (/Jbpejf and n are extracted using the TE model. The Richardson's constant used is 32 A/cm 2 K 2 [148]. There are fifteen samples in each plot. (/Jbpejf plotted against n both extracted using TE model plotted against temperature for a typical non-amorphized Si, Ar plasma cleaned, and PAl ErSi 2x /p-Si diode. The Richardson's constant used is 32 A/cm 2 K 2 [149]. (/Jbpejf and n extracted using the TE model plotted against temperature for a typical non-amorphized, Ar plasma cleaned, and PAl ErSi 2x /p-Si Schottky diode. The Richardson's constant used is 32 A/cm 2 K 2 [149]. 1-V characteristics in the linear region of Ar plasma cleaned diodes at various temperatures. Solid lines were calculated using Equation 4.3 with the following fitting parameters: PP = 2.55 X 10 11 cm-2 , a = 6 X 10-Scm2/3V1I3, and (/Jb = 0.76 eV. The fitting parameters are obtained by least squares fitting of the I-V curve at 273K. Subsequent fitting was done by changing the values of T from 273K to 352K. Vbo and Nd are obtained from C-V measurement. The scatter plot represents the experimental data.