Diamond has long been of interest as a biomaterial due to its expected biocompatibility and chemical stability. Progress in surface functionalization of diamond and diamond electrochemistry has extended this interest to use as a biosensor platform. The sensitivity and selectivity of the diamond surface can be enhanced by covalently attaching carbon-based biochemicals. In this communication, an amine-thiol molecule was attached to a boron-doped diamond (BDD) surface to produce an enhanced ability to detect NO species. In the case of hydrogen terminated BDD, it was found that NO (aqueous) oxidation was insufficiently distinct to electrochemically detect NO. However, the amine-thiol functionalized BDD surface provided a distinct oxidation peak from 65 nanomolar to 236 nanomolar concentrations. Multiple cyclic voltammagrams with amine-thiol functionalized BDD electrode in (HPLC-quality) purified water indicated that the covalently attached surface molecules resisted decomposition during both anodic and cathodic polarization. The detection and monitoring of nitric oxide (i.e., nitrogen monoxide (NO)) has become of increasing interest. NO can arise as a pollutant from the combustion of air in automobiles and power plants, is an intermediate for nitric acid in semiconductor processes, and is a diverse signaling molecule in the human body. It plays important roles in vasodilation, anti-infection, and neurotransmission.1 The ability to detect NO in aqueous environments with robust and sensitive sensors would provide a means to monitor levels of dissolved NO emissions and to trace transient concentrations of NO in biomedical applications. In this work we take a biomimetic approach for functionalizing the BDD surface. In the human body, the amino acid cysteine is comprised of a thiol moiety (RSH) and carries NO in the form of RSNO. Thus, one can envision using a thiol functionalized surface to engineer a sensor for the detection of NO. This is particularly important because current NO sensors are limited by the need for a highly selective membrane.NO detection.-Because nitric oxide has a short half-life, NO sensors should be selective, responsive, and capable of being miniaturized to support continuous monitoring of in-vivo processes in biomedical applications. About 10% of NO-related studies involve direct measurements.2 In a review of nitric oxide selective electrodes, Davies and Zhang 2 indicated that electrochemical detection systems, especially amperometric, provide the best sensitivity and simple supporting apparatus compared to alternative techniques such as chemiluminescence, 3 the Griess assay, 4 paramagnetic resonance spectrometry, 5,6 and various bioassays. 7 Of these sensing approaches, electrochemical techniques are the most viable for a robust sensor, as they provide selectivity, durability, and portability.Davies and Zhang have previously noted that in addition to electrochemical detection of NO with simple organic and inorganic interfaces, more complex interfaces have been used, incorporating chelating mole...