“…Moreover, for applications involving flexible materials, it is important that the external coating has some specific characteristics: it should be conformal, lightweight, not fragile, and insulating. [1][2][3] Furthermore, one of the main issues related to submerged objects is the accumulation of microorganisms and macroorganisms on the solid surfaces, that is, biofouling, which could negatively affect the mechanical performance of the devices, especially in the field of MEMS micro-fabricated systems. 4 As a proof, Figure 1 shows a scanning electron microscope (by FEI Helios NanoLab 600i DualBeam) micrograph of a kapton-covered silicon substrate which we dried after 10 days of submersion in seawater: the surface is clearly populated by plenty of microorganisms, in particular bacteria (approximately 1 mm) and diatoms (approximately 10 mm), aggregating in complex chain-like structures.…”