Abifunctional catalyst comprising CuCl 2 /Al 2 O 3 and nitrogen-doped carbon was developed for an efficient one-pot ethylene oxychlorination process to produce vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) up to 76 %y ield at 250 8 8Ca nd under ambient pressure,whichishigher than the conventional industrial two-step process (% 50 %) in as ingle pass.Int he second bed, active sites containing N-functional groups on the metal-free N-doped carbon catalyzed both ethylene oxychlorinationa nd ethylene dichloride (EDC) dehydrochlorination under the mild conditions.Benefitting from the bifunctionality of the Ndoped carbon, VCM formation was intensified by the surface Cl*-looping of EDC dehydrochlorination and ethylene oxychlorination. Both reactions were enhanced by in situ consumption of surface Cl* by oxychlorination, in which Cl* was generated by EDC dehydrochlorination. This work offers ap romising alternative pathwayt oV CM production via ethylene oxychlorination at mild conditions through asingle pass reactor.