Frankia spp. strains typically induce N2-fixing root nodules on actinorhizal plants. The majority of host plant taxa associated with the uncultured Group 1 Frankia strains, i.e., Ceanothus of the Rhamnaceae, Datisca glomerata (Datiscaceae), and all actinorhizal members of the Rosaceae except Dryas, are found in California. A study was conducted to determine the distribution of Frankia strains among root nodules collected from both sympatric and solitary stands of hosts. Three DNA regions were examined, the 5' end of the 16S rRNA gene, the internal transcribed spacer region between the 16S and 23S rRNA genes, and a portion of the glutamine synthetase gene (glnA). The results suggest that a narrow range of Group 1 Frankia spp. strains dominate in root nodules collected over a large area of California west of the Sierra Nevada crest with no apparent host-specificity. Comparisons with Group 2 Frankia strain diversity from Alnus and Myrica within the study range suggest that the observed low diversity is peculiar to Group 1 Frankia strains only. Factors that may account for the observed lack of genetic variability and host specificity include strain dominance over a large geographical area, current environmental selection, and (or) a past evolutionary bottleneck.