This study was carried out at the private field Jezhnikan village, Erbil, Kurdistan region, Iraq, on (101) ewes (245) records and (5)rams of different ages and weights over the period April( 2018) until May(2020, in order to study the genetic evaluation and relationship between lams weight and ewe's weights at matting, birth and milking in Kurdi sheep. The results showed that the overall mean of birth weight (BW) and weaning weight (WW) 4.243 kg and 23.231kg, respectively. It has been shown that the years of birth significantly affected (P≤0.05) on birth weight birth, the weight recorded in this study were, (4.207 kg and 4.318) kg ewes lambed during 2019 and 2020 respectively. The effect was significant (p ≤0.05) for the sex and type of birth in birth weight and weaning weight. However Month of birth and age of dam had non-significant effect on (BW) and (WW). The heritability estimate of (BW) and (WW) was found to be (0.21) and (0.13) respectively. The genetic correlation between (BW) and (WW) were 0.68 highly and significant (P≤0.05) however low and significant (P≤0.05) with ewes weight at (mating, birth and milking) were 0.15, 0.14 and 0.15 respectively, breeding value of rams ranged between-0.113to 0.065 and -0.048to 0.263for (BW) and (WW) respectively, we concluded that most of breeding value and non-genetic factors had important effect of (BW) and (WW).