23Pyrazinamide (PZA) is a unique frontiline drug for shortening tuberculosis treatment, but its 24 mechanisms of action are elusive. We previously identified RpsA as a target of PZA and found 25 an alanine deletion at position 438 (Δ438A) in RpsA associated with PZA resistance, but its 26 role in PZA resistance is controversial. Here, we introduced RpsA mutation Δ438A or D123A 27 into M. tuberculosis chromosome and demonstrated that the introduced RspA mutations are 28 indeed responsible for PZA resistance.29 30 TEXT 31PZA is an important first-line drug that plays a unique role in shortening TB therapy from 9-32 12 months to 6 months due to its unique sterilizing activity in killing persisters that are not 33 killed by other TB drugs (7, 29). Despite its high activity in vivo, PZA is a peculiar drug that 34 has virtually no activity in vitro under normal culture conditions (19, 29), but is active at acid 35 pH (6, 31). Recent studies of new drugs such as bedaquiline, PA-824, and moxifloxacin have 36highlighted the essentiality of PZA as these new agents mainly work in conjunction with PZA 37 but cannot replace it (20, 21). Thus, PZA is a key drug that will likely play a major role in new 38 drug regimens for treatment of TB and drug-resistant TB.
40It is well established that mutations in the pncA gene encoding nicotinamidase/pyrazinamidase 41 (PZase) involved in conversion of PZA to active form pyrazinoic acid (POA) are the major 42 mechanism of PZA resistance (11, 32), accounting for85% of all PZA resistance (32). However, 43 some PZA-resistant strains without pncA mutations may have mutations in potential targets of 44 3 PZA, including ribosomal protein S1 (RpsA) involved in trans-translation (5, 9, 13, 17, 24), 45 aspartate decarboxylase (PanD) (12, 27) involved in synthesis of β-alanine -a precursor for 46 pantothenate and CoA biosynthesis, and ATP-dependent protease ClpC1(26, 28). We have 47 127 128 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 129 This work was supported by NIH R01AI099512 and AMR-PART, Research Council of Norway.130 131 132 7 133 REFERENCES 134 1.