The proposed schemes in this paper involve the interaction of a two-level atom with single-or two-mode quantized cavity fields (for different purposes) in the presence of a classical field. Indeed, following the path of Solano et al. in [Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 027903 (2003)], the behavior of the entire atom-field system may be described by the Jaynes-Cummings (JC)-and anti-Jaynes-Cummings (anti-JC)-like models. It is illustrated that, under specific conditions, the effective Hamiltonian of the system can be switched from a JC-to an anti-JC-like model. During the process, the two-level atom in the cavity is alternately affected by the above two effective interactions. Ultimately, after the occurrence of the desired interactions in appropriate setups, the cavity field will arrive at a specific superposition of number states, a fixed number state, and in particular, two-mode binomial field states. Moreover, the entanglement property of the two-mode binomial state is investigated by evaluating the entropy criterion. While there exist various proposals for preparation of number states and their superpositions in the literature, our scheme has the advantage that it is independent of the detection of the atomic state after the interaction occurs.