Abstract. An infinite-volume limit solution of the thermodynamics of a BCS superconductor containing spin 1/2 and 7/2 magnetic impurities, obtained recently in [D. Borycki, J. Maćkowiak, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 24, 035007 (2011)] is exploited to derive the expressions for critical magnetic field Hc(T ). The credibility of the resulting thermodynamically limited theoretical equations, which depend on the magnetic coupling constant g and impurity concentration c, is verified on the experimental data for the following superconducting alloys: LaCe, ThGd and SmRh4B4. Good quantitative agreement with experimental data is found for sufficiently small values of c. The discrepancies between theoretical and experimental values of Hc(T ) for larger values of c in case of LaCe and ThGd are reduced by introducing the concept of the effective temperatureT , which accounts for the Coulomb interactions between the electron gas and impurity ions. At low temperatures, the critical magnetic field is found to increase with decreasing temperature T . This enhancement of the critical magnetic field provides evidence of the Jaccarino-Peter effect, which was experimentally observed in the Kondo systems like LaCe, (La1−xCex)Al2 and also in the pseudoternary compounds, including Sn1−xEuxMo6S8, Pb1−xEuxMo6S8 and La1.2−xEuxMo6S8. The effect of an external magnetic field H on a BCS superconductor perturbed by magnetic impurities was also studied. On these grounds, by analyzing the dependence of superconducting transition temperature Tc on H of (La1−xCex)Al2, we have shown, that for certain parameter values, external magnetic field compensates the destructive effect of magnetic impurities.