We present a formalism for modelling parametric amplification by resonators subject to ratelimited nonlinearity of mixed reactive/dissipative character, with particular relevance to superconducting devices. The non-linearity is assumed to be characterised by a single state parameter, which responds to changes in the energy stored in the resonator with finite response time. We show how the operating point and small signal amplification behaviour of the pumped resonator can be calculated, characterised and optimised in terms of a set of three dimensionless parameters.The formalism is then illustrated with a simple, first-order, model nonlinearity and the implications for amplification via quasiparticle generation in a superconductor discussed. Throughout we describe how the parameters needed to characterise the device can be determined experimentally from steady-state measurements. A key result of this paper is that rate-limiting of a nonlinear mechanism does not preclude amplification, although it does limit the bandwidth over which it may be achieved.