Strong light–matter coupling
results in eigenstates called
polaritons which share the properties of both light and matter and
provide a useful way to engineer electronic energies and behaviors.
In this work, we study nearly monochiral (6,5) semiconducting carbon
nanotubes (CNTs) in a Fabry–Pérot microcavity. Light–matter
coupling leads to the formation of three bands of bright polariton
states (upper, middle, and lowerresulting from coupling to
the bright S11 CNT exciton and the X1 phonon
sideband of the K-momentum dark exciton state). The structure also
supports many exciton-like subradiant states at the bright S11 and X1 energies. Here, ultrafast transient reflection
spectroscopy is used to study the dynamics and spectral signatures
of excited subradiant-state polariton populations and the pathways
by which they are populated. After a pump pulse, the excited subradiant-state
population is revealed by (i) spectral signatures with relaxation
times (∼5 ps) similar to those of CNT S11 band gap
excitons outside of the cavity and (ii) a Rabi contraction of the
lower polariton energy, whose magnitude quantifies the excited subradiant-state
population. Data show that, following the excitation of the upper
polariton (UP), the excited subradiant-state population is maximized
at a sample position with a detuning of 118 meV, light–matter
coupling of 336 meV, and UP transition energy of 1.52 eV. The excited
subradiant-state population is reduced for other detunings. The X1 Hopfield coefficient of the UP also peaks at the same energy,
revealing UP to X1 scattering as a potentially efficient
relaxation pathway. These results will be important for understanding
and controlling energy relaxation and transport in future CNT polariton