“…For right censored competing risks data, let T = prefixtruemin false( Y E , Y c , C false) be the observed time, and the uncensoring indicator normalΔ = 1 false( Y F < C false) D where D ∈ falsefalse{ 1 , 2 falsefalse} is the type of risk. In this context, the observed sample falsefalse{ false( T i , δ i , ξ i ν i false) , i = 1 , … , n falsefalse} can be written as falsefalse{ false( T i , Δ i false) , i = 1 , … , n falsefalse}, whereThe CIF of the event of interest E is the probability that a failure of type 1 occurs at or before time t:The CIF of the second competing risk (individual known to be cured) isThe probability of cure is simply the CIF of the competing risk cure ( c) evaluated at infinity or the complementary of the CIF of the event of interest ( E) evaluated at infinity:Equivalently,The conditional version of the estimators of the CIFs in Klein and Moeschberger 41 are the following (also see Effraimidis and Dahl 42 ): …”