Hidden Markov models are versatile tools for modeling sequential observations, where it is assumed that a hidden state process selects which of finitely many distributions generates any given observation. Specifically for time series of counts, the Poisson family often provides a natural choice for the state-dependent distributions, though more flexible distributions such as the negative binomial or distributions with a bounded range can also be used. However, in practice, choosing an adequate class of (parametric) distributions is often anything but straightforward, and an inadequate choice can have severe negative consequences on the model's predictive performance, on state classification, and generally on inference related to the system considered. To address this issue, we propose an effectively nonparametric approach to fitting hidden Markov models to time series of counts, where the state-dependent distributions are estimated in a completely data-driven way without the need to select a distributional family. To avoid overfitting, we add a roughness penalty based on higher-order differences between adjacent count probabilities to the likelihood, which is demonstrated to produce smooth probability mass functions of the statedependent distributions. The feasibility of the suggested approach is assessed in * Corresponding author; email: timo.adam@uni-bielefeld.de. a simulation experiment, and illustrated in two real-data applications, where we model the distribution of i) major earthquake counts and ii) acceleration counts of an oceanic whitetip shark (Carcharhinus longimanus) over time.