The rapid growth of Islamic banks also occured in Indonesia. The high growth of Islamic banks' assets gave opportunities to increase bad debt (non-performing financing). We examined the impact of good corporate governance (GCG), number of sharia supervisory board (SSB), financing to deposit ratio (FDR), profit and loss sharing (PLS) financing ratio, profit sharing rate of financing, and temporary syirkah fund ratio on the performance of non-performance financing (NPF) and return on assets (ROA). This research also tested the influence of NPF on ROA. The population of this research was Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia with the observation ranged from 2009-2016. The samples were determined by using a purposive sampling method. Data analysis used a structural equation model with WarpPLS. We proved that empirically GCG disclosure did not affect NPF. NPF bank was influenced by PLS financing and temporary syirkah fund ratio. PLS financing income and FDR financing did not affect the NPF. Moreover, GCG, SSB, temporary syirkah fund, and NPF disclosures influenced profitability
AbstrakPesatnya pertumbuhan bank syariah juga terjadi di Indonesia. Pertumbuhan aset bank syariah yang tinggi memberikan peluang terjadinya peningkatan kredit macet (nonperforming financing). Kami menguji pengaruh Good Corporate Governance (GCG), jumlah dewan pengawas syariah (DPS), Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), rasio pembiayaan Profit and Loss Sharing (PLS), tingkat pendapatan bagi hasil pembiayaan, dan rasio dana syirkah temporer terhadap kinerja Non Perfomance Financing (NPF) dan Return On Assets (ROA). Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menguji pengaruh NPF terhadap ROA. Populasi penelitian adalah bank umum syariah di Indonesia dengan tingkat pengamatan dari tahun 2009-2016. Sampel ditentukan dengan metode purposive sampling. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah structural equation model dengan WarpPLS. Kami membuktikan secara empiris bahwa pengungkapan GCG tidak memengaruhi NPF. NPF bank dipengaruhi oleh PLS financing dan syirkah dana temporer ratio. Pendapatan dari pembiayaan PLS dan FDR tidak mempengaruhi NPF. Pengungkapan GCG, SSB, dana syirkah temporer dan NPF memengaruhi profitabilitas.