Robot-assisted partial nephrectomy (RAPN) is a minimally invasive surgery for the treatment of renal cell carcinoma that consists of removing the portion of the kidney that contains the tumor. To plan the resection, surgeons rely on preoperative scans of the patient. However, at surgery time, the shape of abdominal organs differ from these images due to factors such as patient position, insufflation and manipulation with surgical instruments. In this work, we focus on the simulation of kidney deformation due to an external pressure load, e.g. during insufflation, to provide a better estimation of the tumor mass position that is particularly important to plan resection with proper margins. The CT scans of ex vivo lamb kidneys with artificial tumors and fiducials are acquired in absence of external pressure load. From these images, 3D tetrahedral meshes of kidney parenchyma and tumor, as well as a triangular mesh of the capsule, are extracted and then used along with a soft tissue biomechanical model to simulate deformations under additional external pressure load. A second CT scan of the same kidneys under real pressure load are acquired as a reference to evaluate the advantage of simulating deformations over using the first CT scan without external pressure load. Results show that the biomechanical simulation improves by 29% the tumor localization.