IZVOD -Da bi se smanjilo zagaĎenje vazduha i ispoštovala zakonska regulative, u izduvne sisteme motornih vozila (putnička, teretna i druga vozila, a u poslednje vreme i graĎevinske i poljoprivredne mašine) ugraĎuju se katalizatori tj. katalitički konvertori. Njihov zadatak je da štetne proizvode sagorevanja tečnih fosilnih goriva prevedu u manje štetne produkte. U katalitičkim konvertorima, rodijum se koristi za redukciju, a platina i paladijum za oksidaciju gasova. U radu su prikazani struktura i princip rada auto katalizatora budući da su automobili najzastupljenija motorna vozila na putevima širom sveta i da se predviĎa da će bar do 2020. godine dominirati proizvodnja automobila sa benzinskim i dizel motorima.Ključne reči: auto katalizatori, struktura, princip rada
ABSTRACT -Catalytic converters are incorporated into motor vehicle emission systems (passenger cars, trucks and other motor vehicles, as well as civil and agricultural machines, as of lately) to reduce air pollution as well as to meet the the emission standards.Their purpose is to convert toxic emissions generated by combustion of liquid fossil fuels into less harmful products. In catalytic converters, rhodium is used for the reduction of gasses, whereas platinum and palladium are used for the oxidation of gasses. This paper presents the structure and operating principle of automotive catalysts in view of the fact that cars are the most prevalent motor vehicles worldwide and due to the fact that the production of cars with gasoline and diesel engines will dominate until at least 2020.