The Berry phase understanding of electronic properties has attracted special interest in condensed matter physics, leading to phenomena such as the anomalous Hall effect and the topological Hall effect. A non-vanishing Berry phase, induced in momentum space by the band structure or in real space by a non-coplanar spin structure, is the origin of both effects. Here, we report a sign conversion of the anomalous Hall effect and a large topological Hall effect in (Cr0.9B0.1)Te single crystals. The spin reorientation from an easy-axis structure at high temperature to an easy-cone structure below 140 K leads to conversion of the Berry curvature, which influences both, anomalous and topological, Hall effects in the presence of an applied magnetic field and current. We compare and summarize the topological Hall effect in four categories with different mechanisms and have a discussion into the possible artificial fake effect of topological Hall effect in polycrystalline samples, which provides a deep understanding of the relation between spin structure and Hall properties.In condensed matter physics, Berry phases have enabled a wider understanding of many physical concepts and phenomena, such as chiral anomalies [1,2] , magnetic monopoles [3] , and the anomalous Nernst effect [4] . Among them, the intrinsic anomalous Hall effect (AHE) requires the absence of time reversal symmetry and the orbital degeneracy to be lifted. The former is usually seen in ferromagnetic systems but also can be found in specific antiferromagnetic systems. The latter is due to relativistic effects such as the spin-orbit interaction, but can also be induced by a non-collinear magnetic spin texture [5,6] . The combination of these phenomena leads to momentumspace Berry curvature as a linear response to an applied electric field [7,8] . However, a real-space Berry phase originating from non-coplanar spin texture or magnetic topological excitations like