Abstract. A new approach to the numerical solution of systems of first-order ordinary differential equations is given by finding local Galerkin approximations on each subinterval of a given mesh of size h. One step at a time, a piecewise polynomial, of degree n and class C°, is constructed, which yields an approximation of order 0(A*") at the mesh points and 0(A"+1) between mesh points. In addition, the y'th derivatives of the approximation on each subinterval have errors of order 0(An_'+1), 1 £ j £ n. The methods are related to collocation schemes and to implicit Runge-Kutta schemes based on Gauss-Legendre quadrature, from which it follows that the Galerkin methods are /4-stable.1. Introduction.In this paper, we show how Galerkin's method can be employed to devise one-step methods for systems of nonlinear first-order ordinary differential equations. The basic idea is to find local nth degree polynomial Galerkin approximations on each subinterval of a given mesh and to match them together continuously, but not smoothly.For each /i _ 1, a method is defined (Section 2) which uses an n-point GaussLegendre quadrature formula to evaluate certain inner products in the Galerkin equations. For sufficiently small step size h, a unique numerical solution exists and may be found by successive substitution (Section 3). After showing that these Galerkin methods are also collocation methods (Section 4) and implicit Runge-Kutta methods (Section 5), we show that the mesh point errors are of the order 0(h2n), and the global errors are of the order 0(hn+1) for the approximate solution and 0(h"~'+1), 1 ^ j ^ n, for its yth derivatives (Section 6). A proof of the ^-stability of the methods is given in Section 7, and numerical results are presented in Section 8.Discrete one-step methods based on quadrature, other than the classical RungeKutta methods, have been studied by several authors, including the explicit schemes