In the laminar-turbulent transition of boundary-layer flows, the spatial development of boundary-layer waves, especially that of unstable waves, is important and indispensable. In this paper, the response of a Mach 8 flow over a 5.3 half-angle sharp wedge to wall blowing-suction is studied by numerical simulations. Steady base flow is obtained by solving the compressible Navier-Stokes equations with a combination of a fifth-order shock-fitting method and a second-order total-variation-diminishing scheme. In stability simulations, wall blowing-suction is introduced through an actuator on the wedge surface. The unsteady flow simulation is carried out using the shock-fitting method. The results show that mode F, mode S, acoustic waves, and entropy/vorticity waves are simultaneously excited by wall blowing-suction and coexist in the boundary layer just downstream of the actuator. For blowing-suction at a specific frequency, the results also show that mode S is strongly excited when the actuator is located upstream of the corresponding synchronization point. There is no significant amplification of pressure perturbation when the actuator is downstream of the synchronization point. This result represents a mixture of the receptivity and the downstream growth of mode S. The exact cause and mechanism of this result are not clear. However, such a result is obtained for wall blowing-suction at all frequencies considered in the current study. To excite a strong mode S at a specific frequency, the result indicates that it is necessary to place the blowing-suction actuator upstream of the corresponding synchronization point. Further theoretical analysis is needed to reveal the mechanism behind the numerical results.