Introduction: women living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) have 15% of the 45% chance of transmitting the virus to their children during pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding. However, this risk is reduced to 2% when the treatment and monitoring are carried out since the gestational period until the birth of the child.Objective: Building a logical model to subsidize the immediate care of health professionals to the newborn of women with HIV.
Method:Construction of a logical model based on "clinical Protocol and therapeutic guidelines for management of HIV infection in children and adolescents", manual of the Ministry of health, Brazil, 2014, in order to guide health professionals who, watch newborns in the first few minutes of life.
Results:Were listed eight components that are essential to the care of the newborn, such as: greeting, umbilical cord clamping, suctioning the airway, administering of vitamin K, shower, breastfeeding, administration of anti-retroviral and reference to specialized service.