“…In the field of sociology and anthropology, ethos are the customs and behavioral traits that distinguish a people. Culture, customs, norms and rules of conduct, which must be observed by all its members of a society(LASTORIA, 2001); the ethos keeps the mark of the structure that conforms the tradition of a people, its "spirit", in a given historical time(CANIELLO, 2003); ethos as a universal ethical awareness and basic moral attitude of man, consideredindividually or collectively (PIRES, 2001); c) Synergistic dimension 3 -to examine the individual's predispositions to participate in cooperative actions, collective actions in his community, cooperative activities at broader levels, with other communities; identify distinct forms of citizen involvement in the formation of virtuous construction circles, interaction of the subject with other instances of cooperation (BAQUERO; BAQUERO, 2007); d) Social aggregation 4 -refers to the degrees of engagement of the actor with the group, or groups. The trust that the actors manifest when they participate in the group (BAQUERO, 2007); Patriarchy, Women's Empowerment And Social Capital e)Social bridges 5 -refers to the connections between groups.…”