In recent decades, changes were observed in the way how people are dealing with career decisions in organizations. In addition to the professional dimension, personal and family context aspects are considered, highlighting the importance of integration between life and work in the contemporary context. Many social, cultural and political phenomena have provided relevant discussions on career and work in the world and Brazilian scenario, emphasizing the increasing female participation in the production process, the redefinition of the male role in marriage, homosexual family model is basing as a legal institution, social and political, and the new career designs that seek to fulfill personal and organizational needs. Studies on dual career family have been taken up more fully in the academy, trying to investigate couples are managing the domains of work and family life, concomitantly to their career aspirations. Research on dual career on the world stage approach the relationship, dilemmas, conflicts and influences on career and family for heterosexual and homosexual couples. This study aimed to determine the factors that influence the dual career for heterosexual couples, lesbian couples and gay couples, according to the career aspirations and family demands. Twelve interviews were conducted with men and women in union hetero and homosexual of São Paulo, with higher education and marital union of more than two years. Data were collected and analyzed according to the content analysis technique proposed by Bardin (1977). For heterosexuals, there was the growing commitment to dual career, based on the settings that both spouses hold to reconcile work and family demands by seeking equitable interactions power. The homosexuals direct their efforts to career progression. Among gays, focus on individual career influences the level of commitment to dual career, observing least equal power relations in the interaction of the couple. Lesbians experience the shared commitment to dual career, based on egalitarian interactions and adjustments that both perform to reconcile work and family demands, and grow together in their careers. It was also difference in decision making between the couple based on gender role associated with sex, building socially Keywords: Management Careers. Gender. Dual career. Couples. Family. Homosexuality. Capítulos Temas Capítulo 2-A Carreira Dual e a influência de seus elementos formadores Carreira Dual Trabalho e Carreira Família e Conjugalidade Capítulo 3-A construção social do gênero e Interacionismo Simbólico na carreira dual Constructo social de gênero Conceito de sexo Capítulo 4-Demandas profissionais e familiares na carreira dual Carreira dual heteroafetiva: conflitos e benefícios Homoafetividade Fonte: A autora.