We investigated the local density of states (LDOS) of a normal metal (N) in good electrical contact with a superconductor (S) as a function of the distance x to the NS interface. The sample consists of a pattern of alternate stripes of Au and Nb made by UV-lithography. We used a low temperature scanning tunneling microscope to record simultaneously dI/dV (V, x) curves and the topographic profile z(x). Nearby the NS interface, all the spectra show a dip near the Fermi energy but depending on the geometry, different behaviours can be distinguished. First, when the characteristic size of the normal metal L is much larger than the coherence length ξN ≃ hDN /2∆, the spectral extension of the dip decreases from ∆ at the NS interface to zero at distances x ≫ ξN . Second, when L is comparable to ξN the apparent gap in the LDOS is space-independent and related to the Thouless energy. A normal metal in good metallic contact with a superconductor can acquire some superconducting properties and reciprocally the superconductivity can be affected by the normal metal vicinity. This phenomenon is known as the proximity effect. It has been first extensively studied in the late 1960's using the Ginzburg-Landau theory which describes macroscopic superconducting systems near their transition temperature T c [1,2]. Recent technical and material developments renewed the interest in the physics of this effect, especially at the mesoscopic scale. Simultaneously a more comprehensive understanding of the proximity effect in the diffusive regime based on the theory of non-equilibrium superconductivity has emerged [3,6]. For instance, predictions on the spatial dependence of the local density of states (LDOS) of a proximity structure are made. At very low temperature, when the characteristic size L of the normal metal becomes smaller than the thermal length L T = hD N /2πk B T (D N is the diffusion constant in the normal metal, k B the Boltzman constant, ∆ the superconducting gap), the variation of the LDOS of a NS structure is predicted to depend on the ratio L/ξ N with ξ N = hD N /2∆ the coherence length [5,6]. When L ≫ ξ N , the superconducting correlations extend to distances larger than ξ N leading to a depression of the electronic density of states around E F , the Fermi energy. Experimental tests of this theory were obtained by Guéron et al. [7]. They used nanofabricated tunnel junctions to probe the electronic density of states n(E, x) at three distinct positions along a normal wire in contact with a superconductor. Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) was also used to study this proximity effects in ballistic N metals (i.e. L ≪ ξ N , l N where l N is the elastic mean free path in N) [8,9]. In these experiments the induced gap crucially depends on the thickness of the normal system. The shape of the spectra is explained within the de Gennes-Saint James bound states model [11]. In a diffusive sample where l N ≪ L ≤ ξ N , a gap whose value depends on the Thouless energy, E T h =hD/L 2 , is predicted [5,12]. STM experiments on small N ...