The effects of bismuth doping content and temperature on the absorption property and near-infrared (NIR) luminescence of Bi-doped La2O3-Al2O3-SiO2 (LAS) glasses are presented. The emission intensity reaches the maximum when the Bi2O3 content in 3.0Bi-LAS is 1.83%. The emission spectra reach their peaks at 1 190 and 1 117 nm, with full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) values of 330 and 228 nm under 500 and 700-nm excitations, respectively. As the Bi2O3 content increases, the peak wavelengths and FWHMs of emission bands increase, but their lifetimes decrease. The lifetime of 2.0Bi-LAS is 460 µs at 9 K, and is almost temperature independent until 350 K. The NIR emission of Bi in the system has strong resistance to thermal quenching from 9 to 350 K.OCIS codes: 160.0160, 160.2750, 070.4790. doi: 10.3788/COL201210.111602.Bismuth-doped glasses have attracted considerable attention as materials for broadband amplifiers and tunable lasers that cover all telecommunication wavelengths from 1 100 to 1 600 nm since ultra-broadband, near-infrared (NIR) fluorescence and the relevant optical amplification have been reported by Fujimoto et al. [1,2] . The spectroscopic properties of Bi-doped glasses have been widely investigated in various glass hosts, such as silicate [3−9] , phosphate [10,11] , germanate [12−15] , bismuthate [16] , and chalcogenide glasses [17,18] . The full-width at halfmaximum (FWHM) of the NIR luminescence band was reported to reach up to 600 nm in a Bi-doped chalcogenide glass. The FWHM can even reach 850 nm at cryogenic temperature [17] , and the decay time of NIR emission reaches up to 1 725 µs in a Bi-doped aluminogemanate glass [15] . Compared with other glass hosts, silicate glasses are more remarkable in terms of compatibility with commercial silica fiber networks. Alkali or alkaline earth oxides are commonly used in silicate glass hosts as network modifiers, but they increase the optical basicity of glasses, which is reported to be harmful to NIR emissions of Bi-doped glasses [8] . Compared with the M-O bondstrengths of alkali-and alkali earth-based glasses, La-O bonds are stronger, because of the high field-strength of La 3+ ions. Lanthanum aluminosilicate (LAS) glasses exhibit high glass transition temperatures that range from 800 to 900• C and are virtually independent of the composition [19] . Excellent physical properties and lower optical basicity make LAS glasses potential hosts for bismuth doping.To our knowledge, no research on Bi-doped LAS (La 2 O 3 -Al 2 O 3 -SiO 2 ) system glasses has been performed. In this letter, we select the composition of 65SiO 2 -20Al 2 O 3 -15La 2 O 3 (in mole%) as the host of bismuth doping. The composition has been chosen based on the glass forming region in a previous work [20] . The influence of Bi 2 O 3 content and temperature on the spectroscopic properties of bismuth ions in La 2 O 3 -Al 2 O 3 -SiO 2 glass is also investigated.