We use molecular
dynamics (MD) simulations with the ReaxFF reactive
force field to investigate the thermomechanical, chemical, and spectroscopic
response of nitromethane (NM) to shock loading. We simulate shocks
using the Hugoniostat technique and use four different parametrizations
of ReaxFF to assess the sensitivity of the results with respect to
the force field. The predicted shock states, for both the unreacted
and reacted materials, are in good agreement with experiments, and
two of the force fields capture the increase in shock velocity due
to exothermic reactions in excellent agreement with experiments. The
predicted detonation velocities with these two force fields are also
in good agreement with experiments, and the differences in predicted
values are linked to the differences in the reaction products. Across
all force fields, NM decomposes predominantly via bimolecular reactions
and the formation of nitrosomethane (CH3NO) is found as
a dominant initiation pathway. We elucidate the mechanisms of secondary
reactions leading to stable products, whose predicted populations
with all four descriptions are in good agreement with experiments.
We also calculated the time-resolved spectra from the trajectories
during the shock processes to help correlate the underlying reaction
mechanisms with spectral features and enable a one-to-one comparison
with laser-driven shock experiments. This study demonstrates the potential
of reactive molecular dynamics to describe the physics and chemistry
of high-energy density materials under shock loading and complement
experimental efforts to derive a definite, validated understanding.